WordPress Tips

6 Bona Fide Benefits Of Regular Hosting Backups

Too often, regular hosting backups are often seen as an expense line; despite many benefits. It’s only when your website disappears or you are left with no way to recoup customer data that the core benefits of regular hosting backups are realised. For almost all businesses, your website is the backbone of your digital success. […]

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WordPress Update Services: WordPress Ping List & Tutorial (2024 Update)

Utilising WordPress update services is your first step to faster indexing. As a mechanism that literally says ‘hello I am here’ to search engines, implementing WordPress update services is a no brainer. In this short guide, we’ll explore the what, how and why you should use WordPress Update Services. Now, let’s get your pages indexed […]

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SEO Intel – The Need For Website Speed [INFOGRAPHIC]

Why do you need a fast website? It’s safe to presume that you want to do as much as you possibly can to increase conversions on your online business website. The e-commerce industry already suffers from a miserable 2.53% conversion rate, according to Smart Insights. And while you may be doing everything you can think of […]

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Best WordPress Plugins For Fashion Bloggers

Gathering a loyal following of fashionistas on your WordPress website? That’s awesome! With over 60 million people, including Vogue.com, reaping the rewards of endless WordPress website extensions, you are in good hands. To celebrate an industry powered by the content management system that we love, this article covers the ultimate essential plugins (both free and paid) that every […]

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